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Measuring service quality at yale university’s libraries

Journal of academic librarianship, v.26 no.4, 2000년, pp.259 - 273  

Nitecki, Danuta A (Danuta A. Nitecki is Associate University Librarian, Yale University Libraries, Box 208240, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8240USA) ,  Hernon, Peter (Peter Hernon, Professor, Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MassachusettsUSA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis article examines a new approach to measuring service quality, one that produces findings useful for local planning and decision making. It also differentiates between service quality and satisfaction and points the direction for further research....

참고문헌 (31)

  1. Valarie A. Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman, & Leonard L. Berry, Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations (New York: The Free Press, 1990), p. 16. 

  2. Ibid. 

  3. 10.2307/258934 Carol A. Reeves & David A. Bednar, “Defining Quality: Alternatives and Implications,” Academy of Management Review 19 (July 1994): 437. 

  4. Peter Hernon & John R. Whitman, Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality: A Customer-Based Approach for Libraries (Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2000). 

  5. Ibid. 

  6. 10.1016/S0099-1333(96)90056-7 Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, Delivering Quality Service. See also Danuta A. Nitecki, “Changing the Concept and Measure of Service Quality in Academic Libraries,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 22 (May 1996): 182. 

  7. Ibid. 

  8. 10.1016/S0099-1333(97)90041-0 See Peter Hernon & Ellen Altman, Service Quality in Academic Libraries (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1996); Peter Hernon & Ellen Altman, Assessing Service Quality: Satisfying the Expectations of Library Customers (Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1998); Peter Hernon & Philip J. Calvert, “Methods for Measuring Service Quality in University Libraries in New Zealand,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 22 (September 1996): 387-391; Philip J. Calvert & Peter Hernon, “Surveying Service Quality within University Libraries,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 23 (September 1997): 408-415. 

  9. Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, Delivering Quality Service, p. 26. 

  10. Nitecki, “Changing the Concept and Measure of Service Quality in Academic Libraries,” pp. 184-185. 

  11. Danuta A. Nitecki, “Assessment of Service Quality in Academic Libraries: Focus on the Applicability of the SERVQUAL,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services (Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Department of Information & Library Management, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, 1998), p. 185. The Maryland study mentioned in the quotation refers to Danuta A. Nitecki, An Assessment of the Applicability of SERVQUAL Dimensions as Customer-based Criteria for Evaluating Quality of Services in an Academic Library. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, 1995. 

  12. 10.5860/crl.59.2.156 Syed Saad Andaleeb & Patience L. Simmonds, “Explaining User Satisfaction with Academic Libraries: Strategic Implications,” College & Research Libraries 59 (March 1998): 156-167. 

  13. 10.1016/0148-2963(92)90022-4 Emin Babakus & Gregory W. Boller, “An Empirical Assessment of the SERVQUAL Scale,” Journal of Business Research 24 (May 1992): 253-268. 

  14. 10.1016/S0099-1333(00)00114-2 Colleen Cook & Bruce Thompson, “Reliability and Validity of SERVQUAL Scores Used to Evaluate Perceptions of Library Service Quality,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 26 (July 2000): 248. 

  15. Ibid. 

  16. Ibid. 

  17. Nitecki, “Changing the Concept and Measure of Service Quality in Academic Libraries,” p. 185. 

  18. Nitecki, “Assessment of Service Quality in Academic Libraries,” p. 184. 

  19. Hernon & Whitman, Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality; Hernon & Altman, Service Quality in Academic Libraries; Hernon & Altman, Assessing Service Quality; Hernon & Calvert, “Methods for Measuring Service”; Calvert & Hernon, “Surveying Service Quality within University Libraries.” 

  20. Nitecki, “Changing the Concept and Measure of Service Quality in Academic Libraries,” p. 188. 

  21. Cook & Thompson, “Reliability and Validity of SERVQUAL Scores Used to Evaluate Perceptions of Library Service Quality.” 

  22. Hernon & Altman, Assessing Service Quality, pp. 108-112. 

  23. 10.1300/J050v07n02_02 James Lynch, Robert Carver, Jr., & John Michael Virgo, “Quadrant Analysis as a Strategic Planning Technique in Curriculum Development and Program Marketing,” Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 7 (1996): 17-32. 

  24. Thomas A. Childers & Nancy A. Van House, What’s Good? Describing Your Public Library’s Effectiveness (Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1993), p. 26. 

  25. 10.1016/S0099-1333(98)90179-3 See Hernon & Altman, Assessing Service Quality; Hernon & Altman, Service Quality in Academic Libraries. See also Nicola Harwood & Jillene Bydder, “Student Expectations of, and Satisfaction with, the University Library,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 24 (March 1998): 161-171. 

  26. See Hernon & Whitman, Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality. Clearly, the study reported in this article deals with service quality, and the complete interrelationship between service quality and satisfaction were not explored here. 

  27. See Hernon & Altman, Assessing Service Quality, Chapter 9. 

  28. See Hernon & Whitman, Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality. 

  29. Presentation before an invited audience at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference, San Antonio, January 15, 2000. 

  30. For guidance in the conduct of such a survey, see Hernon & Altman, Assessing Service Quality; Hernon & Whitman, Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality. 

  31. 10.1016/0740-8188(95)90020-9 See Susan Edwards & Mairéad Browne, “Quality in Information Services: Do Users and Librarians Differ in Their Expectations, Library & Information Science Research 17 (Spring 1995): 163-182. 

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