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[해외논문] Updated liquefaction potential analysis eliminates foundation retrofitting of two critical structures

Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, v.20 no.1/4, 2000년, pp.17 - 25  

Arango, I (Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-415-768-4955) ,  Lewis, M.R (fax: +1-415-768-7834) ,  Kramer, C

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Developments in geotechnical engineering after 1970 prompted the reevaluation of the foundations of three large nuclear material processing buildings in 1994. Concerns were raised because the subsurface conditions beneath them contain a Miocene-age clayey sand stratum with very low standar...


참고문헌 (20)

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  5. Kulhawy FH, Mayne PW. Manual on estimating soil properties for design. Electric Power and Research Institute, EL-6800, Research Project 1493-6, 1990. 

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  8. Lewis MR, Arango I, Kimball JK, Ross TE. Liquefaction resistance of old sand deposits. Paper presented at the Pan American Soil Mechanics Conference held in Brazil, 1999. 

  9. Arango I, Migues RE. Investigation of the seismic liquefaction of old sand deposits. National Science Foundation Grant no. CMS-9416169, March 1996. 

  10. Kramer C, Arango I. Aging effects on the liquefaction resistance of sand deposits: a review and update. Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris 1998, Abstract vol. 184. 

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  14. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Campbell 76 1 1986 10.1785/BSSA0760010001 An empirical estimate of near-source ground motion for a major mb=6.8 earthquake in the eastern United States 

  15. Chapman MC, Sibol MS, Bollinger GA. Investigation of anomalous earthquake intensity levels along the coastal Plain-Piedmont Boundary in South Carolina and Georgia, Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory Report prepared for Westinghouse Savannah, 1989. 

  16. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Guidelines to determining design basis ground motions, EPRI T-102293, November 1993, 4 Vols. 

  17. Earthquake Spectra Elton 6 1 81 1990 10.1193/1.1585559 Ground acceleration near St. Michael's Church during the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake 

  18. Krinitzsky EL, Chang FK. Parameters for specifying intensity-related earthquake motions. State of the art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States, US Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, September 1987. 

  19. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Martin 120 8 1994 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9410(1994)120:8(1345) Seismic parameters from liquefaction evidence 

  20. Proceedings of the Third US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston, South Carolina Rizzo 1 1986 Ground motion amplification studies for sites in the Charleston area 

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