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[해외논문] Path detection for autonomous traveling in orchards using patch-based CNN

Computers and electronics in agriculture, v.175, 2020년, pp.105620 -   

Kim, Wan-Soo (Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University) ,  Lee, Dae-Hyun (Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Yong-Joo (Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Taehyeong (Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science, Seoul National University) ,  Hwang, Rok-Yeun (National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration) ,  Lee, Hyo-Jai (Department of Bio-Industry Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract This paper proposes a novel and efficient patch-based approach for autonomous path detection in semi-structured environments such as orchards. The proposed approach can segment a perspective path area in the frontal scene and is expected to be applicable to various types of area detection ...


참고문헌 (30)

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