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[해외논문] Effects of Temperatures and Viscosity of the Hydraulic Oils on the Proportional Valve for a Rice Transplanter Based on PID Control Algorithm

Agriculture, v.10 no.3, 2020년, pp.73 -   

Siddique, Md. Abu Ayub ,  Kim, Wan-Soo ,  Kim, Yeon-Soo ,  Kim, Taek-Jin ,  Choi, Chang-Hyun ,  Lee, Hyo-Jai ,  Chung, Sun-Ok ,  Kim, Yong-Joo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to develop a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control algorithm considering viscosity for the planting depth control system of a rice transplanter using various hydraulic oils at different temperatures and to evaluate the performance of the control algorithm, and comp...


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