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[해외논문] Combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel-powered generator running with N-butanol/coffee ground pyrolysis oil/diesel blended fuel

Energy : technologies, resources, reserves, demands, impact, conservation, management, policy, v.206, 2020년, pp.118201 -   

Lee, Seokhwan (Corresponding author.) ,  Woo, Sang Hee ,  Kim, Yongrae ,  Choi, Young ,  Kang, Kernyong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Demand for alternative energy is steadily increasing due to the depletion of fossil fuels. Converting biomass into alternative fuels has been proposed as a potential solution. Biofuel obtained from biomass through a pyrolysis process is called pyrolysis oil (PO). Because PO is difficult to...


참고문헌 (33)

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