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Effects of Food Experience Factors (4Es) on Experience Satisfaction and Festival Performance of Jeollabuk-do Culture and Tourism Festival
전라북도 문화관광축제의 음식체험요인(4Es)이 체험만족과 개최성과에 미치는 영향 원문보기

東아시아食生活學會誌 = Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, v.30 no.1, 2020년, pp.20 - 34  

Lee, Mijin ,  Kim, Soohyun

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (28)

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  26. Song HJ, Choi YJ, Lee CK (2011) A study of festival visitors`s loyalty based on experience economy: The case of Boryeong Mud Festival. IJTHR 25(6): 179-198. 

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  28. Yoon, Seol-Min, Lee, Choong-Ki. Examining the Relationships among the Festival Experience, Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, and Affective Commitment based on the Perspectives of Experience Economy(4Es). 관광연구 = Korean journal of tourism research, vol.32, no.5, 79-96.

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