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[해외논문] Concomitant Covalent and Noncovalent Assembly: Self-Assembly of Sublimable Caffeine in the Formation of Microporous Organic Polymer for Morphology Evolution and Enhanced Performance

ACS sustainable chemistry et engineering, v.8 no.37, 2020년, pp.13900 - 13907  

Kang, Chang Wan (Department of Chemistry , Sungkyunkwan University , Suwon 16419 , Korea) ,  Lee, Sang Moon (Korea Basic Science Institute , Daejeon 34133 , Korea) ,  Kim, Hae Jin (Korea Basic Science Institute , Daejeon 34133 , Korea) ,  Ko, Yoon-Joo (Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, National Center for Inter-University Research Facilities (NCIRF) , Seoul National University , Seoul 08826 , Korea) ,  Son, Seung Uk

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This work introduces a so-called “caffeine method” for morphology evolution of microporous organic polymer (MOP). In a proper reaction medium such as triethylamine, caffeine undergoes dynamic self-assembly to 1D crystalline morphologies. The resultant caffeine powder is sublimable. The S...


참고문헌 (68)

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  67. Kim, Myung Hyun, Song, Taemoon, Seo, Ue Ryung, Park, Ji Eun, Cho, Kyoungil, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Chung, Young Keun, Son, Seung Uk. Hollow and microporous catalysts bearing Cr(III)-F porphyrins for room temperature CO2 fixation to cyclic carbonates. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.5, no.45, 23612-23619.

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