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[해외논문] Improvement of Heat Sink Performance by Using Graphene Nanosheets Coated by Chemical Spray Method 원문보기

IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering, v.811, 2020년, pp.012027 -   

Jaafar, A. A. ,  Al-abassi, S. A.W. ,  Alhattab, H. A. ,  Albaghdad, M.A. ,  Mosa, A. A. ,  Al-Musawi, H.K. ,  Abo Gneem, L.M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractGraphene nanosheets were fabricated on a metal (Al) substrate by using a chemical spray method. Annealing process has been applied to reducing the concentration of carbon and to increase the sheet hardness. Surface morphology measured by metallurgical microscope Device Corporation, X 1600. T...

참고문헌 (16)

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