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Kinetics Study on Initial Growth Stage in Vapor Deposition of Organic Thin Film Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance 원문보기

Japanese journal of applied physics, v.50 no.6R, 2011년, pp.060209 -   

Ito, Takaya ,  Onoda, Shinya ,  Kino, Masaaki ,  Hagihara, Kiyoshi ,  Kubono, Atsushi

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The deposition behavior of stearic acid evaporated in vacuum was observed using a quartz crystal microbalance technique, and the time evolution curves of the amount of admolecules in the initial growth were compared with a theoretical curve calculated using a rate equation proposed on the basis of ...

참고문헌 (14)

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  3. Inoue, Takahito, Yase, Kiyoshi. Molecular orientation and growth mechanism of several fatty acids with different lengths. Journal of crystal growth, vol.83, no.3, 306-310.

  4. Tanaka, Katufumi, Okui, Norimasa, Sakai, Tetuya. Molecular orientation behavior of paraffin thin films made by vapor deposition. Thin solid films, vol.196, no.1, 137-145.

  5. Hudson, J. B., Sandejas, J. S.. Observation of Adsorption and Crystal Nucleation by Mass-Spectrometric Techniques. The Journal of vacuum science and technology, vol.4, no.5, 230-238.

  6. Kubono, Atsushi, Yuasa, Norihiko, Shao, Hui-Li, Umemoto, Susumu, Okui, Norimasa. Adsorption characteristics of organic long chain molecules during physical vapor deposition. Applied surface science, vol.193, no.1, 195-203.

  7. Kubono, Atsushi, Minagawa, Yuko, Ito, Takaya. In situ Observation of Layer-by-Layer Growth in Vapor Deposition of Organic Thin Films. Japanese journal of applied physics, vol.48, no.r2, 020211-.

  8. Zinsmeister, G. A contribution to Frenkel's theory of condensation. Vacuum, vol.16, no.10, 529-535.

  9. Zinsmeister, G.. Theory of thin film condensation. Part b: Solution of the simplified condensation equation. Thin solid films, vol.2, no.5, 497-507.

  10. Zinsmeister, G.. Theory of thin film condensation part C: Aggregate size distribution in island films. Thin solid films, vol.4, no.5, 363-386.

  11. Zinsmeister, G.. Theory of thin film condensation Part D: Influence of a variable collision factor. Thin solid films, vol.7, no.1, 51-75.

  12. Frankl, D.R., Venables, J.A.. Nucleation on substrates from the vapour phase. Advances in physics, vol.19, no.80, 409-456.

  13. Venables, J. A.. Rate equation approaches to thin film nucleation kinetics. The philosophical magazine, vol.27, no.3, 697-738.

  14. Sauerbrey, G�nter. Verwendung von Schwingquarzen zur W�gung d�nner Schichten und zur Mikrow�gung. Zeitschrift für Physik, vol.155, no.2, 206-222.

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