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An Application of Genetic programming for Lithium-ion Battery Pack Enclosure Design: Modelling of Mass, Minimum Natural Frequency and Maximum Deformation Case 원문보기

IOP conference series : Earth and environmental science, v.268, 2019년, pp.012065 -   

Shahin, M.E. ,  Yun, Liu ,  Chin, C.M. M. ,  Gao, Liang ,  Wang, Chin-Tsan ,  Niu, Xiaodong ,  Goyal, Ankit ,  Garg, Akhil

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractFor ensuring the safety of battery pack and its enclosure, the mechanical design is crucial for generating lower deformation, lower stresses and vibrations during its actual operation. In addition, the minimum mass of battery pack is needed for lower energy consumption of pack. Therefore, th...

참고문헌 (19)

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