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Trauma informed education in nursing: A call for action

Nurse education today, v.101, 2021년, pp.104880 -   

Goddard, Anna (Sacred Heart University, Davis & Henley College of Nursing) ,  Jones, Rebecca Witten (Sacred Heart University, Davis & Henley College of Nursing) ,  Esposito, Dorothea (Sacred Heart University, Davis & Henley College of Nursing) ,  Janicek, Erin (Clinical Services, Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Principles of trauma-informed care and resiliency building guides this call to action for trauma awareness in nursing education, aiming to guide nursing educators, researchers, and leaders in support, retention, and building foundational skill-sets in a now traumatized nursing student popu...


참고문헌 (23)

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