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[해외논문] e-Health Interventions for Community-Dwelling Type 2 Diabetes: A Scoping Review

Telemedicine and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association, v.27 no.3, 2021년, pp.276 - 285  

Seo, Hyun-Ju (College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.) ,  Kim, Soo Young (Department of Family Medicine, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea.) ,  Sheen, Seung-Soo (Department of Pulmonology, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Republic of Korea.) ,  Cha, Youngju (Regulatory Site Service, Covance Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background:Because type 2 diabetes mellitus is a critical health problem with increasing incidence, prevalence, and complications worldwide, e-health has been widely utilized for management in type 2 diabetes.Introduction:This scoping review of meta-analyses and systematic reviews on e-health interv...


참고문헌 (17)

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