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[해외논문] Classification of Landscape Affected by Deforestation Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques 원문보기

Remote sensing, v.12 no.20, 2020년, pp.3372 -   

Lee, Seong-Hyeok (Center for Environmental Data Strategy, Korea Environment Institute, Sejong 30147, Korea) ,  Han, Kuk-Jin (Center for Environmental Data Strategy, Korea Environment Institute, Sejong 30147, Korea) ,  Lee, Kwon (MindForge, Seoul 08377, Korea) ,  Lee, Kwang-Jae (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon 34133, Korea) ,  Oh, Kwan-Young (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon 34133, Korea) ,  Lee, Moung-Jin (Center for Environmental Data Strategy, Korea Environment Institute, Sejong 30147, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Human-induced deforestation has a major impact on forest ecosystems and therefore its detection and analysis methods should be improved. This study classified landscape affected by human-induced deforestation efficiently using high-resolution remote sensing and deep-learning. The SegNet and U-Net al...

참고문헌 (58)

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