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간호단위 관리자의 윤리적 리더십이 일반 간호사의 직무배태성에 미치는 영향: 상사신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로
Influence of Ethical Leadership of Nursing Unit Managers on Job Embeddedness of Staff Nurses: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Trust in Supervisor 원문보기

간호행정학회지 = Journal of Korean academy of nursing administration, v.27 no.1, 2021년, pp.21 - 33  

김선미 (전북대학교 간호대학) ,  정서희 (전북대학교병원 의료질향상팀) ,  정석희 (전북대학교 간호대학.간호과학연구소) ,  이명하 (전북대학교 간호대학.간호과학연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: This study was done to investigate the mediating effect of trust in supervisor in the relationship between ethical leadership of nursing unit managers and job embeddedness of staff nurses. Methods: Participants were 216 staff nurses from one tertiary general hospital and three general hospi...


참고문헌 (30)

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