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[해외논문] Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms Conferring Heat Stress Tolerance in Tomato Plants 원문보기

Frontiers in plant science, v.12, 2021년, pp.786688 -   

Hoshikawa, Ken (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences , Tsukuba , Japan) ,  Pham, Dung (Faculty of Biotechnology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture , Hanoi , Vietnam) ,  Ezura, Hiroshi (Tsukuba Plant Innovation Research Center, University of Tsukuba , Tsukuba , Japan) ,  Schafleitner, Roland (Vegetable Diversity and Improvement, World Vegetable Center , Tainan , Taiwan) ,  Nakashima, Kazuo (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences , Tsukuba , Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Climate change is a major threat to global food security. Changes in climate can directly impact food systems by reducing the production and genetic diversity of crops and their wild relatives, thereby restricting future options for breeding improved varieties and reducing the ability to adapt crops...


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