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[국내논문] Effects of exposure to drinking scenes in media on drinking problems in adults: Dual mediating effects of positive alcohol expectancy and drinking motivation
미디어음주장면 노출이 성인 음주문제수준에 미치는 영향: 긍정적 음주기대, 음주동기의 매개효과 원문보기

保健敎育健康增進學會誌 = Korean journal of health education and promotion, v.38 no.5, 2021년, pp.33 - 43  

Park, KaYoung ,  Jo, Heejeong ,  Na, Sayeon ,  Lee, Heejong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (33)

  1. Aissani, Farah Khaina. (2018). Study on the influence of the drinking scenes in Entertainment Program on the viewer’s drinking intention : Depending on the Media type and the cast’s characteristic.(Empathy and Attractiveness as mediating effects). (Unpublished master’s thesis), Sogang University, Seoul. 

  2. Anderson, P., de Bruijn, A., Angus, K., Gordon, R., Hastings, G.. Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, vol.44, no.3, 229-243.

  3. Appleton, Anita, James, Rosie, Larsen, John. The Association between Mental Wellbeing, Levels of Harmful Drinking, and Drinking Motivations: A Cross-Sectional Study of the UK Adult Population. International journal of environmental research and public health, vol.15, no.7, 1333-.

  4. Brown, Sandra A.. Expectancies versus background in the prediction of college drinking patterns.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, vol.53, no.1, 123-130.

  5. Cox, W. Miles, Klinger, Eric. A motivational model of alcohol use.. Journal of abnormal psychology, vol.97, no.2, 168-180.

  6. Dvorak, Robert D., Pearson, Matthew R., Day, Anne M.. Ecological momentary assessment of acute alcohol use disorder symptoms: Associations with mood, motives, and use on planned drinking days.. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology, vol.22, no.4, 285-297.

  7. Engels, R. C. M. E., Hermans, R., van Baaren, R. B., Hollenstein, T., Bot, S. M.. Alcohol Portrayal on Television Affects Actual Drinking Behaviour. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, vol.44, no.3, 244-249.

  8. Jackson, Kristina M., Janssen, Tim, Cox, Melissa J., Colby, Suzanne M., Barnett, Nancy P., Sargent, James. Mechanisms Underlying Associations between Media Alcohol Exposure, Parenting, and Early Adolescent Drinking: A Moderated Sequential Mediation Model. Journal of youth and adolescence, vol.50, no.9, 1896-1910.

  9. 제갈정, 김광기, 이지현, 곽경화. 문제음주수준이 음주의 간접폐해에 미치는 영향: 음주에 대한 기대의 조절효과를 중심으로. 保健敎育健康增進學會誌 = Korean journal of health education and promotion, vol.33, no.3, 49-60.

  10. Joe, K., Chai, S., Park, A., Lee, H., Shin, I., & Min, S. (2009). Optimum cut-off score for screening of hazardous drinking using the Korean version of alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT-K). Journal of Korean Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, 13(1), 34-40. 

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  12. Kim, Kwang Kee, JeKarl, Jung, Choi, Myung Il. Key word relation in newspaper reporting on alcohol use: A semantic network analysis and public health implications. 保健敎育健康增進學會誌 = Korean journal of health education and promotion, vol.38, no.3, 53-63.

  13. 김광기, 제갈정, 이지현. 건강증진 관점에서 본 음주와 음주폐해 감소 정책. 保健敎育健康增進學會誌 = Korean journal of health education and promotion, vol.33, no.4, 21-34.

  14. Kim, S. D. (2000). The effect of alcohol outcome expectancy on drinking : Comparison between expectancy theory and expectancy-value theory (Unpublished master's thesis), Seoul National University, Seoul. 

  15. Koordeman, Renske, Anschutz, Doeschka J., van Baaren, Rick B., Engels, Rutger C. M. E.. Effects of alcohol portrayals in movies on actual alcohol consumption: an observational experimental study. Addiction, vol.106, no.3, 547-554.

  16. Koordeman, Renske, Kuntsche, Emmanuel, Anschutz, Doeschka J, van Baaren, Rick B, Engels, Rutger C M E. Do we act upon what we see? Direct effects of alcohol cues in movies on young adults' alcohol drinking.. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, vol.46, no.4, 393-398.

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  20. Lee, S., Kim, K., & Ra, G. (2021). Socioeconomic cost study of health risk factors : From 2015 to 2019. Wonju: National Health Insurance Service. 

  21. Leigh, Barbara C., Stacy, Alan W.. Alcohol outcome expectancies: Scale construction and predictive utility in higher order confirmatory models.. Psychological assessment, vol.5, no.2, 216-229.

  22. McQuail, D. (1972). The television audience: A revised perspective. Sociology of Mass Communications, 135-165. 

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  24. Oei, T P, Baldwin, A R. Expectancy theory: a two-process model of alcohol use and abuse.. Journal of studies on alcohol, vol.55, no.5, 525-534.

  25. Park, K. Y., & Lee, H. J. (2021). The effect of alcohol advertising and alcohol sale promotion marketing exposures on alcohol-related harms in adult : Dual mediating effects of drinking motivation and drinking level. Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 21(8), 559-570. 

  26. Primack, Brian A., Colditz, Jason B., Pang, Kevin C., Jackson, Kristina M.. Portrayal of Alcohol Intoxication on YouTube. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, vol.39, no.3, 496-503.

  27. Redondo, Ignacio, Russell, Cristel A., Bernal, Jorge. To brand or not to brand a product placement? Evidence from a field study of two influence mechanisms of positive portrayals of alcohol in film. Drug and alcohol review, vol.37, no.suppl1,

  28. Russell, Alex M., Davis, Robert E., Ortega, Juanybeth M., Colditz, Jason B., Primack, Brian, Barry, Adam E.. #Alcohol: Portrayals of Alcohol in Top Videos on TikTok. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, vol.82, no.5, 615-622.

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  30. Shin, H. (1999). The relationship between drinking motives and drinking problems. Korean Journal of Psychology , 5(1), 93-109. 

  31. Shin, H., & Han, S. (1999). A preliminary study for developing drinking motives scale. Korean Journal of Psychology, 5(1), 77-92. 

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  33. Yoon, H. M., Kim, Y. S., & Jang, S. O. (1999). Alcohol expectancies in relation to their drinking practices among Korean high school students. Korean Journal of Social Welfare, 38, 153-179. 

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