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[해외논문] Modulation of TRPV1 function by Citrus reticulata (tangerine) fruit extract for the treatment of sensitive skin 원문보기

Journal of cosmetic dermatology : the official journal of the European Society for Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology, v.22 no.4, 2023년, pp.1369 - 1376  

Zhou, Li‐dan (Research and Development Center, Shanghai JAKA Biotech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China) ,  Lu, Yi‐na (Research and Development Center, Shanghai JAKA Biotech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China) ,  Liu, Qing (Research and Development Center, Shanghai JAKA Biotech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China) ,  Shi, Xue‐mei (Research and Development Center, Shanghai JAKA Biotech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China) ,  Tian, Jun (Research and Development Center, Shanghai JAKA Biotech. Co., LTD, Shanghai, China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackgroundSensitive skin (SS) is a clinical syndrome defined by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (such as stinging, burning, pain, pruritus, and tingling) in response to stimuli that normally should not provoke them. According to growing evidence, transient receptor potential vanilloi...


참고문헌 (24)

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