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[해외논문] Simulations of fast fracture in the DCB specimen using Kanninen's model

International journal of fracture, v.13 no.5, 1977년, pp.655 - 665  

Malluck, John F. ,  King, Wilton W.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractKanninen's beam model for the DCB specimen is used to analyze several fast fracture problems. First, the model is studied under two loading conditions to which it has not been applied previously: constant-force (dead) loading and rapid-wedge (constant velocity) loading. The predictions of cr...


RésuméLe modèle en poutre de Kanninen pour les éprouvettes double Cantilever est utilisé en vue d'analyser plusieurs problèmes de rupture rapide. En premier lieu, le modèle est étudié sous 2 conditions de charge pour lesquelles il n'avait pas été appliqué précédemment: la charge constante (point mort) et le chargement rapide de côté (à vitesse constante). Les prédictions de propagation de fissure sous ces 2 conditions de charge sont similaires à celles obtenues par Bilek et Burns. En deuxième lieu, les implications de l'utilisation de différentes méthodes pour simuler l'arrondissement d'une entaille initiale sont étudiées pour des conditions typiques des analyses de Kanninen et des expériences conduites aux Laboratoires du Battelle. Les prédictions du comportement de la fissure sont en général en accord avec les résultats de Kanninen. Toutefois, il apparait que les prédictions quantitatives sont sensibles à la manière spécifique suivant laquelle l'arrondissement est simulé dans le modèle analytique.

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Metallurgical Transactions S.J. Burns 4 975 1973 10.1007/BF02645598 S.J.Burns and Z.J.Bilek, Metallurgical Transactions, 4 (April 1973) 975?984. 

  2. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Z.J. Bilek 22 85 1974 10.1016/0022-5096(74)90016-7 Z.J.Bilek and S.J.Burns, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 22 (1974) 85?95. 

  3. Z.J. Bilek 371 1973) ?The Dynamics of Crack Propagation in Double Cantilevered Beam Specimens? Z.J. Bilek and S.J. Burns, ?The Dynamics of Crack Propagation in Double Cantilevered Beam Specimens?, Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamic Crack Propagation, Noordhoff International Publishing, Leyden, The Netherlands (1973) 371?385. 

  4. S.J. Burns, ?Crack Propagation in Rapidly Wedged Double Cantilevered Beam Specimens?, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University of Texas at Austin (1975) 121?129. 

  5. International Journal of Fracture M.F. Kanninen 9 No. 1 83 1973 10.1007/BF00035958 M.F.Kanninen, International Journal of Fracture, 9, No. 1 (March 1973) 83?91. 

  6. G.T. Hahn 649 1973 ?A Preliminary Study of Fast Fracture and Arrest in the DCB-Test Specimen? G.T.Hahn, R.G.Hoagland, M.F.Kanninen and A.R.Rosenfield, ?A Preliminary Study of Fast Fracture and Arrest in the DCB-Test Specimen?, Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamic Crack Propagation, Noordhoff International Publishing, Leyden, The Netherlands (1973) 649?662. 

  7. M.F. Kanninen 471 1973 10.1007/978-1-4757-1263-6_25 Deformation and Fracture in High Polymers M.F.Kanninen, A.R.Rosenfield and R.G.Hoagland, ?Fast Fracture in PMMA?, Deformation and Fracture in High Polymers, H.Kausch ed., Plenum Press, New York (1973) 471?486. 

  8. G.T. Hahn, R.G. Hoagland, M.F. Kanninen and A.R. Rosenfield, ?The Characterization of Fracture Arrest in a Structural Steel?, Pressure Vessel Technology, Part II, ASME (1973) 981?994. 

  9. G.T. Hahn, R.G. Hoagland, M.F. Kanninen, A.R. Rosenfield and R. Sejnoha, ?Fast Fracture Resistance and Crack Arrest in Structural Steels?, Naval Ship Systems Command, Report Number SSC-242 (1973). 

  10. International Journal of Fracture M.F. Kanninen 10 No. 3 415 1974 10.1007/BF00035502 M.F.Kanninen, International Journal of Fracture, 10, No. 3 (September 1974) 415?430. 

  11. 10.1007/978-94-010-2314-6_15 M.F. Kanninen, ?An Analysis of Dynamic Crack Propagation and Arrest for a Material Having a Crack Speed Dependent Fracture Toughness?, Conference on the Prospects of Fracture Mechanics, Delft, The Netherlands (1974) 251?266. 

  12. Engineering Fracture Mechanics G.T. Hahn 7 583 1975 10.1016/0013-7944(75)90058-2 G.T.Hahn, R.G.Hoagland, M.F.Kanninen and A.R.Rosenfield, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 7 (1975) 583?591. 

  13. 10.1016/0013-7944(75)90058-2 G.T. Hahn, P.C. Gehlen, R.G. Hoagland, M.F. Kanninen, C. Popelar, A.R. Rosenfield and V.S. deCampos, ?Critical Experiments, Measurements and Analyses to Establish a Crack Arrest Methodology for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Steels?, First annual progress report prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under Contract W-7405-eng-92, Battelle Columbus Laboratories Rept. No. BMI-1937, Columbus, Ohio (Aug. 1975). 

  14. R.W. Leonard and B. Budiansky, ?On Traveling Waves in Beams?, NACA Report 1173, Formerly TN2874 (1954). 

  15. J.F. Malluck, ?Crack Propagation in Finite Bodies?, Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia (1976). 

  16. G.T. Hahn, P.C. Gehlen, R.G. Hoagland, C.W. Marschall, M.F. Kanninen, C. Popelar and A.R. Rosenfield, ?Critical Experiments, Measurements and Analyses to Establish a Crack Arrest Methodology for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Steels?, Second annual progress report prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under Contract W-7405-eng-92, Battelle Columbus Laboratories Rept. No. BMI-NUREG-1959, Columbus, Ohio (Oct. 1976). 

  17. International Journal of Solids and Structures M. Shmuely 12 67 1976 10.1016/0020-7683(76)90073-1 M.Shmuely and D.Peretz, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 12 (1976) 67?79. 

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