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[해외논문] Attention and Psychological Change in the Young Child : Analysis of early determinants of attention provides insights into the nature of psychological growth

Science, v.170 no.3960 = no.3960, 1970년, pp.826 - 832  

Kagan, Jerome (Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This article began by suggesting that different processes are likely to mediate alterations in behavior and cognitive structure and that conditioning principles do not seem sufficient to explain all the classes of change. Although the acquisition of conditioned responses, the potentiation of inborn ...

참고문헌 (36)

  1. L. P. Lipsitt in Advanzces in Child Development and Behavior L. P. Lipsitt and C. C. Spiker Eds. (Academic Press New York 1963) p. 147. 

  2. H. Papousek in Early Behavior H. W. Stevenson E. H. Hess H. L. Rheingold Eds. (Wiley New York 1967) p. 249. 

  3. Infants over 3 months old who had learned the conditioned response continued to turn their head to the auditory stimulus even though they were completely satiated for milk and did not drink. This phenomenon replicates similar observations with pigeons and rats who after having acquired a conditioned response to obtain food continued to respond even though ample food was available without any effort [see B. Carder and K. Berkowitz 

  4. Science 1273 167 1970 10.1126/science.167.3922.1273 Science 167 , 1273 ( 1970 ); A. J. Neuringer, 

  5. 10.1126/science.166.3903.399 ibid. 166 399 (1969)]. One interpretation of 

  6. this phenomenon assumes that when an or 

  7. ganism Is alerted or aroused for whatever 

  8. reason he issues those responses that are 

  9. prepotent in that context. This view is con 

  10. gruent with the demonstration that intra 

  11. cranial stimulation of the hypothalamus elicits 

  12. behaviors appropriate to the immediate situa 

  13. tion [E. S. Valenstein V. C. Cox J. W. 

  14. Psychol. Rev. 16 77 1970 10.1037/h0028581 Kakolewski , Psychol. Rev. 77 , 16 ( 1970 )]. If 

  15. food is available the rat eats; if water he 

  16. drinks; if wood chips he gnaws. Intracranial 

  17. stimulation like transfer from the home to 

  18. the experimental chamber alerts the animal 

  19. and prepotent behavior is activated. 

  20. Science Nottebohm F. 950 167 1970 10.1126/science.167.3920.950 F. Nottebohm , Science 167 , 950 ( 1970 ). 

  21. Harvard Educ. Rev. Brown R. W. 135 34 1964 10.17763/haer.34.2.c5263w0q03222r14 R. W. Brown and U. Bellugi , Harvard Educ. Rev. 34 , 135 ( 1964 ). 

  22. H. W. Magoun in On the Biology of Learning K. H. Pribram Ed. (Harcourt Brace & World New York 1969) p. 171. 

  23. 10.1037/11494-000 J. Piaget The Origins of Intelligence in Children (International Universities Press New York 1952). 

  24. Science Grier J. B. 1692 155 1967 10.1126/science.155.3770.1692 J. B. Grier , S. A. Counter , W. M. Shearer , Science 155 , 1692 ( 1967 ). 

  25. 10.1126/science.166.3908.1030 C. G. Beer ibid. 1.66 1030 (1969). 

  26. J. Exp. Child Psychol. Salapetek P. 113 3 1966 10.1016/0022-0965(66)90086-5 P. Salapetek and W. Kessen , J. Exp. Child Psychol. 3 , 113 ( 1966 ); R. L. Fantz and S. Nevis, Merrill-Palmer Quart. 13, 77 (1967); 

  27. R. L. Fanti In Perceptual Development in Children A. H. Kidd and J. L. Rivoire Eds. (International Universities Press New York 1966) p. 143. 

  28. M. M. Haith paper presented at the regional meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Clark University Worcester Massachusetts March 1968. 

  29. Child Develop. McCall R. B. 939 38 1967 10.2307/1127094 R. B. McCall and J. Kagan , Child Develop. 38 , 939 ( 1967 ). 

  30. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. Karmel B. Z. 649 69 1969 10.1037/h0028195 B. Z. Karmel , J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 69 , 649 ( 1969 ). 

  31. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. Kuffler S. W. 281 17 1952 10.1101/SQB.1952.017.01.026 S. W. Kuffler , Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 17 , 281 ( 1952 ); J. Physiol. London 16, 37 (1953). 

  32. R. B. McCall and W. H. Melson Develop. Psychol. in press. 

  33. B. Z. Karmel C. T. White W. T. Cleaves K. J. Steinsiek paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association Atlantic City New Jersey April 1970. 

  34. J. Speech Hear. Res. Eisenberg R. B. 245 7 1964 10.1044/jshr.0703.245 R. B. Eisenberg , E. J. Griffin , D. B. Coursin , M. A. Hunter , J. Speech Hear. Res. 7 , 245 ( 1964 ); Y. Brackbill, G. Adams, D. H. Crowell, M. C. Gray, J. Exp. Child Psychol. 3, 176 (1966). 

  35. G. C. Carpenter paper presented at the Merrill-Palmer Infancy Conference Detroit Michigan February 1969. 

  36. R. A. Haaf and R. Q. Bell Child Develop. 

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