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[해외논문] Human fat cell lipolysis: Biochemistry, regulation and clinical role

Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism, v.19 no.4, 2005년, pp.471 - 482  

Arner, Peter (Tel.: &plus)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Release of fatty acids (FAs) from adipose tissue through lipolysis in fat cells is a key event in many processes. FAs are not only energy substrates but also signalling molecules and substrates for lipoprotein production by the liver. Fat cells consist of>95% triglycerides that are hydrolysed during...


참고문헌 (44)

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  40. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Ciaraldi 13 1291 2000 Molecular defects of insulin action in the polycystic ovary syndrome: possible tissue specificity 

  41. Journal of Investigative Medicine Bergman 49 119 2001 10.2310/6650.2001.34108 Central role of the adipocyte in the metabolic syndrome 

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  43. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs Pike 5 271 2004 Identification of a nicotinic acid receptor: is this the molecular target for the oldest lipid-lowering drug? 

  44. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews Hauner 18 S10 2002 10.1002/dmrr.249 The mode of action of thiazolidinediones 

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