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Plasma‐Resistant Dense Yttrium Oxide Film Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Process

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.90 no.8, 2007년, pp.2327 - 2332  

Iwasawa, Junichi ,  Nishimizu, Ryoichi ,  Tokita, Masahiro ,  Kiyohara, Masakatsu ,  Uematsu, Keizo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dense yttrium oxide film was prepared on a quartz substrate by the aerosol deposition process at the room temperature. The deposition rate was very high, 60 m/h. Thick film of 10 m was easily achievable on the quartz substrate. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the film was highly dense w...

참고문헌 (19)

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  2. Akedo, Jun, Lebedev, Maxim. Influence of Carrier Gas Conditions on Electrical and Optical Properties of Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 Thin Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1, Regular papers, short notes and review papers, vol.40, no.b9, 5528-5532.

  3. Akedo, Jun, Lebedev, Maxim. Powder Preparation in Aerosol Deposition Method for Lead Zirconate Titanate Thick Films. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1, Regular papers, short notes and review papers, vol.41, no.b11, 6980-6984.

  4. Lebedev, M., Akedo, J., Mori, K., Eiju, T.. Simple self-selective method of velocity measurement for particles in impact-based deposition. Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, vol.18, no.2, 563-566.

  5. Lebedev, Maxim, Akedo, Jun, Iwata, Atsushi, Sugimoto, Satoshi, Inomata, Kouichiro. NiZnCu Ferrite Thick Film with Nano Scale Crystallites Formed by the Aerosol Deposition Method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol.87, no.9, 1621-1624.

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  10. Kanoh, Masaaki, Yamage, Masashi, Takada, Hiroyuki. End-point Detection of Reactive Ion Etching by Plasma Impedance Monitoring. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1, Regular papers, short notes and review papers, vol.40, no.a3, 1457-1462.

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