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Heavy-Ion Microbeam System at JAEA-Takasaki for Microbeam Biology 원문보기

Journal of radiation research, v.49 no.1, 2008년, pp.71 - 82  

FUNAYAMA, Tomoo (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  WADA, Seiichi (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  YOKOTA, Yuichiro (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  FUKAMOTO, Kana (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  SAKASHITA, Tetsuya (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  TAGUCHI, Mitsumasa (Organic Pollutant Removal Technology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  KAKIZAKI, Takehiko (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  HAMADA, Nobuyuki (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  SUZUKI, Michiyo (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ,  FURUSAWA, Yoshiya (Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences) ,  WATANABE, Hiroshi (Radia Industry Co., Ltd) ,  KIGUCHI, Kenji (Department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University) ,  KOBAYASHI, Yasuhiko (Microbeam Radiation Biology Group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Research concerning cellular responses to low dose irradiation, radiation-induced bystander effects, and the biological track structure of charged particles has recently received particular attention in the field of radiation biology. Target irradiation employing a microbeam represents a useful mean...


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