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Method for verification of intensity modulated radiation therapy 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61N-005/10
출원번호 US-0529906 (2006-09-29)
등록번호 US-7450687 (2008-11-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yeo,Inhwan
  • Wang,Brian
출원인 / 주소
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
대리인 / 주소
    Watov & Kipnes, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 1


An accurate method for inversely verifying a therapeutic radiation dose delivered to a patient via an x-ray delivery system without involving any computational iteration was developed. The usage of it includes detecting the transmitted radiation dose image after passage through the patient, imaging


What is claimed is: 1. A method for verifying radiation therapy in a therapeutic x-ray delivery system for transmitting radiation doses in the form of an x-ray beam or beam segments, said method comprising the steps of: inversely calculating the radiation dose received by a phantom or patient compr

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Mackie, Thomas R.; Reckwerdt, Paul J.; McNutt, Todd R., Method and apparatus for calibration of radiation therapy equipment and verification of radiation treatment.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

  1. Kauppinen, Juha; Nord, Janne I., Apparatus and method using automatic generation of a base dose.
  2. Guntzer, Pierre; Pangon, Vincent; Meyer, Jean-Baptiste, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface for a radiation dose mapping system.
  3. Orton, Matthew J.; Mastromattei, Robert; O'Connell, Robert; Schmidt, Richard C.; Reitz, Graham, Electromagnetically actuated multi-leaf collimator.
  4. Fallone, B. Gino; Carlone, Marco; Murray, Brad, Integrated external beam radiotherapy and MRI system.
  5. Fordyce, II, Gerald D.; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Schnarr, Eric; Chen, Yu; Reitz, Graham T.; Finley, Scott; O'Connell, Rob; Orton, Matthew, Method and system for evaluating quality assurance criteria in delivery of a treatment plan.
  6. Gering, David T.; Ruchala, Kenneth J., Method and system for improved image segmentation.
  7. Lu, Weiguo; Chen, Mingli; Chen, Quan; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Olivera, Gustavo H., Method for adapting fractionation of a radiation therapy dose.
  8. Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Olivera, Gustavo H.; Kapatoes, Jeffrey M.; Reckwerdt, Paul J.; Lu, Weiguo; Hughes, John H., Method for modification of radiotherapy treatment delivery.
  9. Lu, Weiguo; Chen, Mingli; Chen, Quan; Ruchala, Kenneth J., Non-voxel-based broad-beam (NVBB) algorithm for intensity modulated radiation therapy dose calculation and plan optimization.
  10. Olivera, Gustavo H.; Mackie, Thomas R.; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Reckwerdt, Paul J.; Hughes, John H.; Kapatoes, Jeffrey M.; Schnarr, Eric; Lu, Weiguo; Schloesser, Eric; Fordyce, II, Gerald D.; Holzmann, Tim, Radiation therapy imaging and delivery utilizing coordinated motion of gantry and couch.
  11. Fallone, B. Gino; Carlone, Marco; Murray, Brad, Real-time dose reconstruction using dynamic simulation and image guided adaptive radiotherapy.
  12. Lu, Weiguo; Chen, Mingli; Chen, Quan; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Olivera, Gustavo H., System and method for motion adaptive optimization for radiation therapy delivery.
  13. Lu, Weiguo; Chen, Mingli; Chen, Quan; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Olivera, Gustavo H., System and method for motion adaptive optimization for radiation therapy delivery.
  14. Guntzer, Pierre; Pangon, Vincent; Mukuna, Evrard; Meyer, Jean-Baptiste, System and method for use in mapping a radiation dose applied in an angiography imaging procedure of a patient.
  15. Sobering, Geoff; Schnarr, Eric; Ruchala, Kenneth J., System and method of calculating dose uncertainty.
  16. Sobering, Geoff; Schnarr, Eric; Ruchala, Kenneth J., System and method of calculating dose uncertainty.
  17. Menningen, Kevin S.; Gering, David T.; Ruchala, Kenneth J., System and method of contouring a target area.
  18. Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Olivera, Gustavo H.; Lu, Weiguo; Schnarr, Eric; Hughes, John H.; Kapatoes, Jeffrey M.; Mackie, Thomas R.; Reckwerdt, Paul J., System and method of delivering radiation therapy to a moving region of interest.
  19. Lu, Weiguo; Ruchala, Kenneth J.; Chen, Mingli; Chen, Quan; Olivera, Gustavo H., System and method of detecting a breathing phase of a patient receiving radiation therapy.
  20. Guntzer, Pierre; Roy, Philippe; Mertz, Luc, System and method to illustrate a radiation dose applied to different anatomical stages of an exposed subject.
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