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[해외논문] Calibration of the specific barrier model to Iranian plateau earthquakes and development of physically based attenuation relationships for Iran

Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, v.28 no.7, 2008년, pp.550 - 576  

Zafarani, H. (School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran) ,  Mousavi, M. ,  Noorzad, As. ,  Ansari, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Earthquake ground-motion relationships for soil and rock sites in Iran have been developed based on the specific barrier model (SBM) used within the context of the stochastic modeling and calibrated against up-to-date Iranian strong-motion data. A total of 171 strong-motion accelerograms recorded at...


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