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[해외논문] Volume rendering with color coding of tagged stool during endoluminal fly-through CT colonography: effect on reading efficiency.

Radiology, v.248 no.3, 2008년, pp.1018 - 1027  

Park, Seong Ho ,  Lee, Seung Soo ,  Kim, Jin Kook ,  Kim, Min-Ju ,  Kim, Hye Jin ,  Kim, So Yeon ,  Kim, Min-Yeong ,  Kim, Ah Young ,  Ha, Hyun Kwon

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained. This study was conducted to evaluate a newly developed technique for discriminative color coding of tagged stool during three-dimensional (3D) endoluminal fly-through computed tomographic (CT) colonography and to determine its e...

참고문헌 (28)

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  25. Lee, Seung Soo, Park, Seong Ho, Choi, Eugene K., Kim, So Yeon, Kim, Min-Ju, Lee, Kyoung Ho, Kim, Young Hoon. Colorectal Polyps on Portal Phase Contrast-Enhanced CT Colonography: Lesion Attenuation and Distinction from Tagged Feces. AJR : American journal of roentgenology, vol.189, no.1, 35-40.

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