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In vitro antifungal drug susceptibilities of dermatophytes microconidia and arthroconidia 원문보기

The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, v.62 no.4, 2008년, pp.758 - 761  

Coelho, L. M. ,  Aquino-Ferreira, R. ,  Maffei, C. M.L. ,  Martinez-Rossi, N. M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

OBJECTIVES: Arthroconidia have been considered as the primary cause of infection by dermatophytes. However, the in vitro antifungal testing evaluates the responses mainly of microconidia or hyphae, and dermatophytes in vivo often produce arthroconidia, a cellular structure presumably more resistant ...

참고문헌 (18)

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