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[해외논문] Extraction, separation and characterisation of sesame oil lignan for nutraceutical applications

Food chemistry, v.120 no.4, 2010년, pp.1041 - 1046  

Reshma, M.V. (National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (Formerly RRL), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Trivandrum, India) ,  Balachandran, C. ,  Arumughan, C. ,  Sunderasan, A. ,  Sukumaran, D. ,  Thomas, S. ,  Saritha, S.S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Nutraceutical aspects of sesame oil (SO) are well reported. However, an efficient process for commercial production has not yet been reported. In this study we have aimed at separating lignans from SO aiming at use as nutraceuticals. SO was subjected to sequential extraction with methanol under sele...


참고문헌 (15)

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