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[해외논문] 生産在庫管理のためのDynamic Bayesian Networkモデル
A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for the Production and Inventory Control 원문보기

電氣學會論文誌. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. C : 電子·情報·システム, v.128 no.12, 2008년, pp.1789 - 1796  

申 芝仙 (早稲) ,  高崎 宣行 (田大学) ,  李 大弘 (大学) ,  金 鎭一 (院情報生産システム研) ,  李 羲頡 (究科)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In general, the production quantities and delivered goods are changed randomly and then the total stock is also changed randomly. This paper deals with the production and inventory control using the Dynamic Bayesian Network. Bayesian Network is a probabilistic model which represents the qualitative ...


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