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[해외논문] Decomposition of Silane-Crosslinked Polyethylene with Supercritical Alcohol

Journal of chemical engineering of Japan, v.43 no.2, 2010년, pp.231 - 237  

Okajima, Idzumi (Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Shizuoka University) ,  Katsuzaki, Akihiro (Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Shizuoka University) ,  Goto, Toshiharu (Hitachi Cable Ltd.) ,  Yamazaki, Takanori (Hitachi Cable Ltd.) ,  Sako, Takeshi (Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Shizuoka University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For the purpose of the development of a new recycling technique of thermosetting silane-crosslinked polyethylene (silane-XLPE) turned into thermoplastic polyethylene, the optimum conditions are determined to decompose crosslinking points consisting of siloxane bonds, while keeping the main chain con...


참고문헌 (10)

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  10. White, C. C., Wagenblast, J., Shaw, M. T.. Separation, size reduction, and processing of XLPE from electrical transmission and distribution cable. Polymer engineering and science, vol.40, no.4, 863-879.

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