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[해외논문] Identification and Characterization of a Heat-stress Induced Gene in Cabbage Encodes a Kunitz Type Protease Inhibitor

Journal of plant physiology, v.155 no.2, 1999년, pp.226 - 233  

Annamalai, P. (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Okinawa Sub-tropical Station, 1091-Maezato, Kawarabaru, Ishigaki-907-0002, Okinawa, Japan) ,  Yanagihara, Seiji (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Okinawa Sub-tropical Station, 1091-Maezato, Kawarabaru, Ishigaki-907-0002, Okinawa, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SummaryWe have identified a heat-stress induced gene (BocHS 1) by differential screening of a cDNA library constructed from Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage) exposed to high temperature at 35°C. Sequence analysis of BocHS 1 revealed that it encodes a putative protein related to 22 kDa...


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