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주거입지선택에서의 대중교통 접근성과 직주균형의 구조적 관계가 가구수준의 통행행태에 미치는 영향
Impacts of the Structural Relationship for Transit Accessibility and Jobs-Housing Balance in Residential Location Choice on Travel Behavior at the Household Level

國土計劃 : 大韓國土·都市計劃學會誌, v.47 no.4 = no.192, 2012년, pp.265 - 282  


AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study examines identifying the impacts of the structural relationship for transit accessibility and jops-housing balance in residential location choice on the frequency by travel mode at the household level. The structural equation model is employed for it, using raw data on the household travel survey for the Korean capital region in 2010. Analysis results demonstrate that the structural relationship between transit accessibility and jobs-housing balance is mutually complementary, not competitive, in residential location choice. It implies that implementation of the both policies may have a positive synergy effect on travel behavior. The choice of transit accessibility in residential location may both directly and indirectly increases walking and transit use, while decreasing car use, for travel. The indirect effect may work through mediation of jobs-housing balance choice. The other interesting result is that jobs-housing balance at both of the city and neighborhood levels has a negative impact on walking travel increase, even though having significantly decreasing a private car use for travel. However, its negative effects could be less if the policy approach is more focused on the city of Seoul, not entire region, where the degree of imbalance is much higher than those of cities in Japan and Korea.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study examines identifying the impacts of the structural relationship for transit accessibility and jobs-housing balance in residential location choice on the frequency by travel mode at the household level. The structural equation model is employed for it, using raw data on the household trav...


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