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[해외논문] Comparison of carbonaceous particulate matter emission factors among different solid fuels burned in residential stoves

Atmospheric environment, v.89, 2014년, pp.337 - 345  

Shen, G. ,  Xue, M. ,  Chen, Y. ,  Yang, C. ,  Li, W. ,  Shen, H. ,  Huang, Y. ,  Zhang, Y. ,  Chen, H. ,  Zhu, Y. ,  Wu, H. ,  Ding, A. ,  Tao, S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Uncertainty in the emission factor (EF) usually contributes largely to the overall uncertainty in the emission inventory. In the present study, the locally measured EFs of particulate matter (PM), organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) for solid fuels burned in the residential sector are com...


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