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[해외논문] Assessment of microscale spatio-temporal variation of air pollution at an urban hotspot in Madrid (Spain) through an extensive field campaign

Atmospheric environment, v.140, 2016년, pp.432 - 445  

Borge, R. ,  Narros, A. ,  Artinano, B. ,  Yague, C. ,  Gomez-Moreno, F.J. ,  de la Paz, D. ,  Roman-Cascon, C. ,  Diaz, E. ,  Maqueda, G. ,  Sastre, M. ,  Quaassdorff, C. ,  Dimitroulopoulou, C. ,  Vardoulakis, S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Poor urban air quality is one of the main environmental concerns worldwide due to its implications for population exposure and health-related issues. However, the development of effective abatement strategies in cities requires a consistent and holistic assessment of air pollution processes, taking ...


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