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[해외논문] Videoconferencing to Reduce Stress Among Hospitalized Children

Pediatrics, v.134 no.1, 2014년, pp.e169 - e175  

Yang, Nikki H. (aDepartment of Pediatrics, and) ,  Dharmar, Madan (aDepartment of Pediatrics, and) ,  Hojman, Nayla M. (aDepartment of Pediatrics, and) ,  Sadorra, Candace K. (bCenter for Health and Technology, University of California Davis Health System, University of California Davis, Sacramento, California) ,  Sundberg, Diana (and) ,  Wold, Gary L. (cChild Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department, University of California Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, California) ,  Parsapour, Kourosh ,  Marcin, James P. (bCenter for Health and Technology, University of California Davis Health System, University of California Davis, Sacramento, California)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

OBJECTIVES:Family-Link is a videoconferencing program that allows hospitalized children and their parents to virtually visit family members and friends using laptops, webcams, and a secure Wi-Fi connection. We evaluated the association of Family-Link use on the reduction in stress experienced by chi...


참고문헌 (18)

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