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Plasma Characteristics Depending on Power Feeding Method in an Inductively Coupled Plasma

Japanese journal of applied physics, v.52 no.1 suppl., 2013년, pp.01AA01 -   

Kim, HyunJun ,  Kim, YoungCheol ,  Chung, ChinWook

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) consists of an antenna that one end is connected to a power supply and the other end is connected to the ground. In this configuration, high voltages between the powered end and grounded end of the antenna would develop, which causes capacitive coupling, leading t...

참고문헌 (12)

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  6. Nishimiya, T., Takeuchi, Y., Yamauchi, Y., Takatsuka, H., Shioya, T., Muta, H., Kawai, Y.. Large area VHF plasma production by a balanced power feeding method. Thin solid films, vol.516, no.13, 4430-4434.

  7. Yamauchi, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Takatsuka, H., Yamashita, H., Muta, H., Kawai, Y.. Characteristics of VHF H2 Plasma Produced at High Pressure. Contributions to plasma physics, vol.48, no.4, 326-330.

  8. 1994 Building and Using Baluns and Unbaluns Practical Designs for the Experimenter Jerry Sevick 

  9. Lee, Min-Hyong, Jang, Sung-Ho, Chung, Chin-Wook. Floating probe for electron temperature and ion density measurement applicable to processing plasmas. Journal of applied physics, vol.101, no.3, 033305-.

  10. 1994 Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing M. A. Lieberman 

  11. 1994 Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing M. A. Lieberman 

  12. Godyak, Valery A., Sternberg, Natalia. Dynamic model of the electrode sheaths in symmetrically driven rf discharges. Physical review. A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, vol.42, no.4, 2299-2312.

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