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Impact of the gut microbiota, prebiotics, and probiotics on human health and disease 원문보기

Biomedical journal, v.37 no.5, 2014년, pp.259 -   

Lai, Hsin-Chih ,  Young, JohnD ,  Lin, Chuan-Sheng ,  Chang, Chih-Jung ,  Lu, Chia-Chen ,  Martel, Jan ,  Ojcius, DavidM ,  Ko, Yun-Fei

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recent studies have revealed that the gut microbiota regulates many physiological functions, ranging from energy regulation and cognitive processes to toxin neutralization and immunity against pathogens. Accordingly, alterations in the composition of the gut microbiota have been shown to contribute ...

참고문헌 (100)

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