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Stress, sense of coherence and quality of life among Norwegian nurse students after a period of clinical practice 원문보기

PeerJ, v.3, 2015년, pp.e1286 -   

Kleiveland, Benedicte (Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen , Bergen, Hordaland , Norway) ,  Natvig, Gerd Karin (Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen , Bergen, Hordaland , Norway) ,  Jepsen, Randi (Faculty of Health Studies, Sogn og Fjordane University College , Førde , Norway)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background. Previous research has found that sense of coherence is significantly related to aspects of health, but studies on nurse students with a salutogenic approach are limited.Objectives. To investigate (1) if nurse students’ experience of stress differs among clinical practice in nursing homes...


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