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[해외논문] Functional and Photochemical Characterization of a Light‐Driven Proton Pump from the Gammaproteobacterium Pantoea vagans

Photochemistry and photobiology, v.92 no.3, 2016년, pp.420 - 427  

Sudo, Yuki (Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan) ,  Yoshizawa, Susumu (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPhotoactive retinal proteins are widely distributed throughout the domains of the microbial world (i.e., bacteria, archaea, and eukarya). Here we describe three retinal proteins belonging to a phylogenetic clade with a unique DTG motif. Light‐induced decrease in the environmental pH an...

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