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[해외논문] DRAM-Latency Optimization Inspired by Relationship between Row-Access Time and Refresh Timing

IEEE transactions on computers, v.65 no.10, 2016년, pp.3027 - 3040  

Wongyu Shin ,  Jungwhan Choi ,  Jaemin Jang ,  Jinwoong Suh ,  Youngsuk Moon ,  Yongkee Kwon ,  Lee-Sup Kim

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

It is widely known that relatively long DRAM latency forms a bottleneck in computing systems. However, DRAM vendors are strongly reluctant to decrease DRAM latency due to the additional manufacturing cost. Therefore, we set our goal to reduce DRAM latency without any modification in the existing DRA...

참고문헌 (31)

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