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NTIS 바로가기IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, v.17 no.10, 2016년, pp.2730 - 2738
Dong, Hairong , Gao, Shigen , Ning, Bin
Emerging communication-based train control techniques are a critical foundation for automatic or semiautomatic train operation for guaranteed safety, line utilization, operation efficiency, and energy saving toward intelligent rail transportation systems. Multiple-train cooperative control encounter...
Gu, Qing, Tang, Tao, Cao, Fang, Karimi, Hamid Reza, Song, Yongduan. Peak Power Demand and Energy Consumption Reduction Strategies for Trains under Moving Block Signalling System. Mathematical problems in engineering, vol.2013, 1-11.
Zhao, Yanbo, Ioannou, Petros. Positive Train Control With Dynamic Headway Based on an Active Communication System. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.16, no.6, 3095-3103.
Qing Gu, Tao Tang, Fei Ma. Energy-Efficient Train Tracking Operation Based on Multiple Optimization Models. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.17, no.3, 882-892.
Jadbabaie, A., Lin, Jie, Morse, A.S.. Coordination of groups of mobile autonomous agents using nearest neighbor rules. IEEE transactions on automatic control, vol.48, no.6, 988-1001.
高士根, 董海荣, 宁滨, 陈磊, 孙绪彬. Cooperative adaptive bidirectional control of a train platoon for efficient utility and string stability. Chinese Physics B, vol.24, no.9, 090506-.
Gao, Shigen, Dong, Hairong, Ning, Bin, Roberts, Clive, Chen, Lei. Neural adaptive coordination control of multiple trains under bidirectional communication topology. Neural computing & applications, vol.27, no.8, 2497-2507.
Gao, Shigen, Dong, Hairong, Ning, Bin, Chen, Yao, Sun, Xubin. Adaptive fault-tolerant automatic train operation using RBF neural networks. Neural computing & applications, vol.26, no.1, 141-149.
Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong, Yao Chen, Bin Ning, Guanrong Chen, Xiaoxia Yang. Approximation-Based Robust Adaptive Automatic Train Control: An Approach for Actuator Saturation. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.14, no.4, 1733-1742.
Swaroop, D., Hedrick, J.K., Yip, P.P., Gerdes, J.C.. Dynamic surface control for a class of nonlinear systems. IEEE transactions on automatic control, vol.45, no.10, 1893-1899.
Li Zhu, Yu, F. Richard, Bin Ning, Tao Tang. Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) Systems With Cooperative Relaying: Design and Performance Analysis. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol.63, no.5, 2162-2172.
Hongwei Wang, Yu, F. R., Li Zhu, Tao Tang, Bin Ning. Finite-State Markov Modeling of Leaky Waveguide Channels in Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) Systems. IEEE communications letters : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society, vol.17, no.7, 1408-1411.
Hairong Dong, Bin Ning, Baigen Cai, Zhongsheng Hou. Automatic Train Control System Development and Simulation for High-Speed Railways. IEEE circuits and systems magazine, vol.10, no.2, 6-18.
Pan, Deng, Zheng, Yingping. Dynamic Control of High-speed Train Following Operation. Promet : scientific technical journal for traffic theory and practice = Traffic = Traffico, vol.26, no.4, 291-297.
Bing Bu, Yu, Fei Richard, Tao Tang. Performance Improved Methods for Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Random Packet Drops. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.15, no.3, 1179-1192.
Pascoe, R.D., Eichorn, T.N.. What is communication-based train control?. IEEE vehicular technology magazine, vol.4, no.4, 16-21.
Takagi, R.. Synchronisation control of trains on the railway track controlled by the moving block signalling system. IET electrical systems in transportation, vol.2, no.3, 130-138.
Gao, S., Ning, B., Dong, H.. Fuzzy dynamic surface control for uncertain nonlinear systems under input saturation via truncated adaptation approach. Fuzzy sets and systems, vol.290, 100-117.
Shuai Su, Xiang Li, Tao Tang, Ziyou Gao. A Subway Train Timetable Optimization Approach Based on Energy-Efficient Operation Strategy. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.14, no.2, 883-893.
Nonlinear Systems khalil 2002
Zhao, Ning, Roberts, Clive, Hillmansen, Stuart. The application of an enhanced Brute Force algorithm to minimise energy costs and train delays for differing railway train control systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F, Journal of rail and rapid transit, vol.228, no.2, 158-168.
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