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[해외논문] Hybrid Fuel Cell/Battery Rail Car: A Feasibility Study

IEEE transactions on transportation electrification, v.2 no.4, 2016년, pp.493 - 503  

Abdelrahman, Ahmed S. ,  Attia, Yosra ,  Woronowicz, Konrad ,  Youssef, Mohamed Z.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper introduces a novel engineering feasibility study for developing a future hybrid metro system, for the first time in Canada, that is of extremely low cost and independent of the utility grid. This system will eliminate the need of the rail cars to rely on the track substations and conseque...

참고문헌 (27)

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  13. Sijia Hu, Zhiwen Zhang, Yuehui Chen, Guandong Zhou, Yong Li, Longfu Luo, Yijia Cao, Bin Xie, Xiaoting Chen, Bin Wu, Rehtanz, Christian. A New Integrated Hybrid Power Quality Control System for Electrical Railway. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics : a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, vol.62, no.10, 6222-6232.

  14. Phattanasak, Matheepot, Gavagsaz-Ghoachani, Roghayeh, Martin, Jean-Philippe, Nahid-Mobarakeh, Babak, Pierfederici, Serge, Davat, Bernard. Control of a Hybrid Energy Source Comprising a Fuel Cell and Two Storage Devices Using Isolated Three-Port Bidirectional DC–DC Converters. IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol.51, no.1, 491-497.

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  18. Ning Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Seng Lam. Hybrid Railway Power Conditioner With Partial Compensation for Converter Rating Reduction. IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol.51, no.5, 4130-4138.

  19. Farag, Sharon, Lerman, Chaim, Lineykin, Simon, Kuperman, Alon. Off-the-Shelf Power Supply-Based Battery/Supercapacitor Emulator for Charger Functionality Testing. IEEE transactions on transportation electrification, vol.2, no.2, 129-139.

  20. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning Yi Dai, Chi-Kong Wong, Chi-Seng Lam. Analysis of DC-Link Operation Voltage of a Hybrid Railway Power Quality Conditioner and Its PQ Compensation Capability in High-Speed Cophase Traction Power Supply. IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol.31, no.2, 1643-1656.

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  26. Prasanna, Udupi R., Rathore, Akshay Kumar. Dual Three-Pulse Modulation-Based High-Frequency Pulsating DC Link Two-Stage Three-Phase Inverter for Electric/Hybrid/Fuel Cell Vehicles Applications. IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol.2, no.3, 477-486.

  27. El Fadil, Hassan, Giri, Fouad, Guerrero, Josep M., Tahri, Abdelouahad. Modeling and Nonlinear Control of a Fuel Cell/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol.63, no.7, 3011-3018.

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