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[해외논문] Metallic materials for 3D printing 원문보기

MRS bulletin, v.41 no.10, 2016년, pp.729 - 741  

Das, Suman ,  Bourell, David L. ,  Babu, S.S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Three-dimensional (3D) printing of metallic materials involves the layerwise consolidation of feedstock materials in the form of powder, wire, or sheet using various energy sources to form complex shapes. The past two decades have witnessed significant advances in the field, in terms of both technol...

참고문헌 (101)

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  5. Fujii, Hiromichi T., Sriraman, M. R., Babu, S. S.. Quantitative Evaluation of Bulk and Interface Microstructures in Al-3003 Alloy Builds Made by Very High Power Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, vol.42, no.13, 4045-4055.

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  10. Acharya, Ranadip, Das, Suman. Additive Manufacturing of IN100 Superalloy Through Scanning Laser Epitaxy for Turbine Engine Hot-Section Component Repair: Process Development, Modeling, Microstructural Characterization, and Process Control. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, vol.46, no.9, 3864-3875.

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