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Self‐poisoning by older Australians: a cohort study

Medical journal of Australia, v.206 no.4, 2017년, pp.164 - 169  

Pillans, Peter I (Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD) ,  Page, Colin B (Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD) ,  Ilango, Sivarajah (Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD) ,  Kashchuk, Anna (Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD) ,  Isbister, Geoffrey K (University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Jenkins, Gary R, Hale, Robert, Papanastassiou, Maria, Crawford, Michael J, Tyrer, Peter. Suicide rate 22 years after parasuicide: cohort study.. BMJ : British medical journal, vol.325, no.7373, 1155-.

  2. Skarupski, Kimberly A., Mrvos, Rita, Krenzelok, Edward P.. A Profile of Calls to a Poison Information Center Regarding Older Adults. Journal of aging and health, vol.16, no.2, 228-247.

  3. Cobaugh, Daniel J., Miller, Michael J., Pham, Timothy T., Krenzelok, Edward P.. Risk of Major Morbidity and Death in Older Adults with Suicidal Intent: A Cross‐Sectional Analysis from the National Poison Data System, 2000–2009. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol.63, no.3, 501-507.

  4. Spiller, H.A., Appana, S., Brock, G.N.. Epidemiological trends of suicide and attempted suicide by poisoning in the US: 2000-2008. Legal medicine, vol.12, no.4, 177-183.

  5. Rhodes, Anne E., Bethell, Jennifer, Spence, Julie, Links, Paul S., Streiner, David L., Jaakkimainen, R. Liisa. Age-sex differences in medicinal self-poisonings : A population-based study of deliberate intent and medical severity. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, vol.43, no.8, 642-652.

  6. RUBENOWITZ, E., WAERN, M., WILHELMSON, K., ALLEBECK, P.. Life events and psychosocial factors in elderly suicides - a case-control study. Psychological medicine, vol.31, no.7, 1193-1202.

  7. Voaklander, D C, Rowe, B H, Dryden, D M, Pahal, J, Saar, P, Kelly, K D. Medical illness, medication use and suicide in seniors: a population-based case control study. Journal of epidemiology & community health, vol.62, no.2, 138-146.

  8. Buckley, Nicholas A, Whyte, Ian M, Dawson, Andrew H, Isbister, Geoffrey K. A prospective cohort study of trends in self‐poisoning, Newcastle, Australia, 1987-2012: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Medical journal of Australia, vol.202, no.8, 438-442.

  9. Ticehurst, Stephen, Carter, Gregory Leigh, Clover, Kerrie Ann, Whyte, Ian McGregor, Raymond, Judy, Fryer, Jane. Elderly Patients With Deliberate Self-Poisoning Treated in an Australian General Hospital. International psychogeriatrics, vol.14, no.1, 97-105.

  10. Whyte, Ian M, Dawson, Andrew H, Carter, Gregory L, Levey, Catherine M, Buckley, Nicholas A. A model for the management of self‐poisoning. Medical journal of Australia, vol.167, no.3, 142-146.

  11. Buckler, Nicholas A, Whyte, Ian M, Dawson, Andrew H, Reith, David A. Preformatted admission charts for poisoning admissions facilitate clinical assessment and research. Annals of emergency medicine, vol.34, no.4, 476-482.

  12. Cattell, Howard. Suicide in the elderly. Advances in psychiatric treatment : the Royal College of Psychiatrists' journal of continuing professional development, vol.6, no.2, 102-108.

  13. Prescott, L F, Illingworth, R N, Critchley, J A, Proudfoot, A T. Intravenous N-acetylcysteine: still the treatment of choice for paracetamol poisoning.. British medical journal, vol.280, no.6206, 46-47.

  14. Carlsten, Anders, Waern, Margda, Holmgren, Per, Allebeck, Peter. The role of benzodiazepines in elderly suicides. Scandinavian journal of public health, vol.31, no.3, 224-228.

  15. Hardwicke, Caroline, Holt, Lucy, Lames, Rosemary, Smith, Anthony J.. Trends in self‐poisoning with drugs in Newcastle, New South Wales, 1980‐1982. Medical journal of Australia, vol.144, no.9, 453-454.

  16. Med J Aust Myers JB 402 2 1981 10.5694/j.1326-5377.1981.tb101028.x Self­poisoning with drugs: a 3½­year study in Newcastle, NSW 

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