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[국내논문] Metagenomic analysis of the marine coastal invertebrates of South Korea as assessed by Ilumina MiSeq 원문보기

Animal cells and systems, v.21 no.1, 2017년, pp.37 - 44  

Kim, Hyewon (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Kim, Hyunkyong (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Hwang, Hee Seung (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Kim, Won (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea)

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참고문헌 (31)

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  2. Boopathi, T., Lee, J.B., Youn, S.H., Ki, J.S.. Temporal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton diversity in the East China Sea near Jeju Island (Korea): A pyrosequencing-based study. Biochemical systematics and ecology, vol.63, 143-152.

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  5. Carew, Melissa E, Pettigrove, Vincent J, Metzeling, Leon, Hoffmann, Ary A. Environmental monitoring using next generation sequencing: rapid identification of macroinvertebrate bioindicator species. Frontiers in zoology, vol.10, 45-45.

  6. Caporaso, J Gregory, Kuczynski, Justin, Stombaugh, Jesse, Bittinger, Kyle, Bushman, Frederic D, Costello, Elizabeth K, Fierer, Noah, Peña, Antonio Gonzalez, Goodrich, Julia K, Gordon, Jeffrey I, Huttley, Gavin A, Kelley, Scott T, Knights, Dan, Koenig, Jeremy E, Ley, Ruth E, Lozupone, Catherine A, McDonald, Daniel, Muegge, Brian D, Pirrung, Meg, Reeder, Jens, Sevinsky, Joel R, Turnbaugh, Peter J, Walters, William A, Widmann, Jeremy, Yatsunenko, Tanya, Zaneveld, Jesse, Knight, Rob. QIIME allows analysis of high-throughput community sequencing data. Nature methods, vol.7, no.5, 335-336.

  7. Chariton, Anthony A, Court, Leon N, Hartley, Diana M, Colloff, Matthew J, Hardy, Christopher M. Ecological assessment of estuarine sediments by pyrosequencing eukaryotic ribosomal DNA. Frontiers in ecology and the environment, vol.8, no.5, 233-238.

  8. Chauhan, Ashvini, Wafula, Denis, Lewis, Dawn E., Pathak, Ashish. Metagenomic Assessment of the Eastern Oyster-Associated Microbiota. Genome announcements, vol.2, no.5, e01083-14-e01083-14.

  9. Costello, Mark John, Coll, Marta, Danovaro, Roberto, Halpin, Pat, Ojaveer, Henn, Miloslavich, Patricia. A Census of Marine Biodiversity Knowledge, Resources, and Future Challenges. PloS one, vol.5, no.8, e12110-.

  10. Cuvelier, Marie L., Allen, Andrew E., Monier, Adam, McCrow, John P., Messié, Monique, Tringe, Susannah G., Woyke, Tanja, Welsh, Rory M., Ishoey, Thomas, Lee, Jae-Hyeok, Binder, Brian J., DuPont, Chris L., Latasa, Mikel, Guigand, Cédric, Buck, Kurt R., Hilton, Jason, Thiagarajan, Mathangi, Caler, Elisabet, Read, Betsy, Lasken, Roger S., Chavez, Francisco P., Worden, Alexandra Z.. Targeted metagenomics and ecology of globally important uncultured eukaryotic phytoplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol.107, no.33, 14679-14684.

  11. Faria, Daphne Georgina, Lee, Man-Duck, Lee, Joon-Baek, Lee, Juyun, Chang, Man, Youn, Seok Hyun, Suh, Young Sang, Ki, Jang-Seu. Molecular diversity of phytoplankton in the East China Sea around Jeju Island (Korea), unraveled by pyrosequencing. Journal of oceanography, vol.70, no.1, 11-23.

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  13. Hajibabaei, Mehrdad, Shokralla, Shadi, Zhou, Xin, Singer, Gregory A. C., Baird, Donald J.. Environmental Barcoding: A Next-Generation Sequencing Approach for Biomonitoring Applications Using River Benthos. PloS one, vol.6, no.4, e17497-.

  14. Hirai, J., Kuriyama, M., Ichikawa, T., Hidaka, K., Tsuda, A.. A metagenetic approach for revealing community structure of marine planktonic copepods. Molecular ecology resources, vol.15, no.1, 68-80.

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  20. PORAZINSKA, DOROTA L., GIBLIN‐DAVIS, ROBIN M., FALLER, LINA, FARMERIE, WILLIAM, KANZAKI, NATSUMI, MORRIS, KRYSTALYNNE, POWERS, THOMAS O., TUCKER, ABRAHAM E., SUNG, WAY, THOMAS, W. KELLEY. Evaluating high‐throughput sequencing as a method for metagenomic analysis of nematode diversity. Molecular ecology resources, vol.9, no.6, 1439-1450.

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  24. Rho, Hyun-Soo, Kim, Won. Tenuidraconema koreensis, a New Species of Marine Nematodes (Adenophorea: Desmodorida) from South Korea. Korean journal of biological sciences, vol.8, no.3, 155-163.

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  27. Tian, Yongjun, Kidokoro, Hideaki, Watanabe, Tatsuro. Long-term changes in the fish community structure from the Tsushima warm current region of the Japan/East Sea with an emphasis on the impacts of fishing and climate regime shift over the last four decades. Progress in oceanography, vol.68, no.2, 217-237.

  28. Wang, Yawei, Liang, Lina, Shi, Jianbo, Jiang, Guibin. Study on the contamination of heavy metals and their correlations in mollusks collected from coastal sites along the Chinese Bohai Sea. Environment international, vol.31, no.8, 1103-1113.

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