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[해외논문] Effects of long-term exposure to particulate matter and metal components on mortality in the Rome longitudinal study 원문보기

Environment international, v.109, 2017년, pp.146 - 154  

Badaloni, C. ,  Cesaroni, G. ,  Cerza, F. ,  Davoli, M. ,  Brunekreef, B. ,  Forastiere, F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: The effect of long-term exposure to metal components in particulate matter on mortality are still controversial. Objectives: To study the association between long-term exposure to PM10, PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance, particulate matter components (copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, silicon, potassium...


참고문헌 (46)

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