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[해외논문] Silk-hydrogel Lenses for Light-emitting Diodes 원문보기

Scientific reports, v.7, 2017년, pp.7258 -   

Melikov, Rustamzhon (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Press, Daniel Aaron (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Kumar, Baskaran Ganesh (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Dogru, Itir Bakis (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Sadeghi, Sadra (Graduate School of Materials Science and Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Chirea, Mariana (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Yılgör, İskender (Department of Chemistry, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey) ,  Nizamoglu, Sedat (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul Turkey)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Today the high demand for electronics leads to massive production of waste, thus green materials based electronic devices are becoming more important for environmental protection and sustainability. The biomaterial based hydrogels are widely used in tissue engineering, but their uses in photonics ar...

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