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[해외논문] 1-D CNNs for structural damage detection: Verification on a structural health monitoring benchmark data

Neurocomputing, v.275, 2018년, pp.1308 - 1317  

Abdeljaber, Osama (Department of Civil Engineering, Qatar University) ,  Avci, Onur (Department of Civil Engineering, Qatar University) ,  Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan (Department of Electrical Engineering, Qatar University) ,  Boashash, Boualem (Department of Electrical Engineering, Qatar University) ,  Sodano, Henry (Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan) ,  Inman, Daniel J. (Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Structural damage detection has been an interdisciplinary area of interest for various engineering fields. While the available damage detection methods have been in the process of adapting machine learning concepts, most machine learning based methods extract “hand-crafted” fea...


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