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[해외논문] Trends Analysis of Graphene Research and Development 원문보기

Journal of data and information science, v.3 no.1, 2018년, pp.82 - 100  

Zou, Lixue (National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China) ,  Wang, Li (Chemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy River RoadColumbus, OH 43202, USA) ,  Wu, Yingqi (Chemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy River RoadColumbus, OH 43202, USA) ,  Ma, Caroline (Chemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy River RoadColumbus, OH 43202, USA) ,  Yu, Sunny (National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China) ,  Liu, Xiwen


AbstractPurposeThis study aims to reveal the landscape and trends of graphene research in the world by using data from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS).Design/methodology/approachIndex data from CAS have been retrieved on 78,756 papers and 23,057 patents on graphene from 1985 to March 2016, and scientometric methods were used to analyze the growth and distribution of R&D output, topic distribution and evolution, and distribution and evolution of substance properties and roles.FindingsIn recent years R&D in graphene keeps in rapid growth, while China, South Korea and United States are the largest producers in research but China is relatively weak in patent applications in other countries. Research topics in graphene are continuously expanding from mechanical, material, and electrical properties to a diverse range of application areas such as batteries, capacitors, semiconductors, and sensors devices. The roles of emerging substances are increasing in Preparation and Biological Study. More techniques have been included to improve the preparation processes and applications of graphene in various fields.Research limitationsOnly data from CAS is used and some R&D activities solely reported through other channels may be missed. Also more detailed analysis need to be done to reveal the impact of research on development or vice verse, development dynamics among the players, and impact of emerging terms or substance roles on research and technology development.Practical implicationsThis will provide a valuable reference for scientists and developers, R&D managers, R&D policy makers, industrial and business investers to understand the landscape and trends of graphene research. Its methodologies can be applied to other fields or with data from other similar sources.Originality/valueThe integrative use of indexing data on papers and patents of CAS and the systematic exploration of the distribution trends in output, topics, substance roles are distinctive and insightful.


참고문헌 (14)

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