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[해외논문] Prediction of Bind Value Constants of Sausage Ingredients from Protein or Moisture Content

Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, v.50 no.6, 1985년, pp.1564 - 1567  

PARKS, L. L. ,  CARPENTER, J. A. ,  RAO, V. N. M. ,  REAGAN, J. O.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTIngredients used in comminuted meat products were divided into four classes: Class I-striated, skeletal muscle meats; Class II - striated, nonskeletal muscle meat; Class III - organ and smooth muscle meats; and Class IV - nonmeat proteins. Within this classification scheme, bind value consta...

참고문헌 (26)

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