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[해외논문] Continuous Potable Alcohol Production by Immobilized Zymomonas mobilis on γ‐Alumina Pellets

Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, v.55 no.2, 1990년, pp.525 - 527  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTExperiments were carried out with Z. mobilis immobilized on ‐γ‐alumina pellets in a continuous reactor for potable alcohol production. It was found that ‐γ‐alumina was a suitable support for continuous ethanol production processes. Specifically, an eth...

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Bajpai, Pramod K., Margaritis, Argyrios. Effect of temperature and pH on immobilized Zymomonas mobilis for continuous production of ethanol. Biotechnology and bioengineering, vol.28, no.6, 824-828.

  2. Bland, R. R., Chen, H. C., Jewell, W. J., Bellamy, W. D., Zall, R. R.. Continuous high rate production of ethanol by Zymomonas mobilis in an attached film expanded bed fermentor. Biotechnology letters. : a monthly journal for the rapid communication of results and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, vol.4, no.5, 323-328.

  3. Galani, Irene, Drainas, Constantin, Typas, Nilton A.. Growth requirements and the establishment of a chemically defined minimal medium inZymomonas mobilis. Biotechnology letters. : a monthly journal for the rapid communication of results and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, vol.7, no.9, 673-678.

  4. Jain, W. K., Toran‐Diaz, I., Baratti, J.. Continuous production of ethanol from fructose by immobilized growing cells of Zymomonas mobilis. Biotechnology and bioengineering, vol.27, no.5, 613-620.

  5. KANA, K., KANELLAKI, M., KOUINIS, J., KOUTINAS, A.A.. Alcohol Production from Raisin Extracts: Volatile By products. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.53, no.6, 1723-1724.

  6. Kanellaki, M., Koutinas, A. A., Kana, K., Nicolopoulou, M., Papadimitriou, A., Lycourghiotis, A.. Ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae promoted by γ‐alumina. Biotechnology and bioengineering, vol.34, no.1, 121-125.

  7. Klein, J., Kressdorf, B.. Improvement of productivity and efficiency in ethanol production with ca-alginate immobilized zymomonas mobilis. Biotechnology letters. : a monthly journal for the rapid communication of results and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, vol.5, no.8, 497-502.

  8. Koutinas, A.A., Kanellaki, M., Lykourghiotis, A., Typas, M.A., Drainas, C.. Ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis entrapped in alumina pellets. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, vol.28, no.3,

  9. Koutinas, A. A., Kanellaki, M., Typas, M. A., Drainas, C.. Raisin: A suitable rav material for ethanol production usingZymomonas mobilis. Biotechnology letters. : a monthly journal for the rapid communication of results and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, vol.8, no.7, 517-520.

  10. Krug, Thomas A., Daugulis, Andrew J.. Ethanol production using Zymomonas mobilis immobilized on an ion exchange resin. Biotechnology letters. : a monthly journal for the rapid communication of results and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, vol.5, no.3, 159-164.

  11. Mobilis immobilized in different carageenan gels. Dev. Ind. Microbiol. Margaritis A. 329 24 1983 Ethanol productivity using Z 

  12. 10.1007/3540116982_2 

  13. Scott Jr., T. A., Melvin, E. H.. Determination of Dextran with Anthrone. Analytical chemistry, vol.25, no.11, 1656-1661.

  14. 10.1128/MMBR.41.1.1-46.1977 

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